divisive stereotypes

All articles and nodes published on CELL about 'Divisive Stereotypes'

What is a divisive stereotype?


A stereotype is a mental representation of a social group and its members. Researchers in the cognitive sciences view stereotypes as mental categories that enable people to process information rapidly and efficiently. We use stereotypes in our daily lives to make sense of the world around us.


Divisive stereotypes in textbooks

Textbooks are integral to formal education. In the classroom, the teacher's role enables students to learn both content and critical thinking, forming ideas about the content. Outside the classroom, curricula developers determine educational content and learning goals.

It is Time to End the Child Soldier Stereotype

From Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo to Myanmar and Nigeria, countless children remain trapped in armed conflict. The UN Secretary General’s 2017 Report on Children and Armed Conflict names 56 non-state armed groups and seven state armed forces in 14 countries that recruit children. Escalating conflicts have led to a spike in child recruitment in several regions.

Fons Coomans attends UNESCO Chairs Meeting

CELL Working Group Member Prof. Fons Coomans, on 21-22 June 2017, attended a meeting of UNESCO Chairs at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The meeting brought together Chair holders who work on human rights, migration and urban inclusion. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the role of cities and local governments in fostering the urban inclusion of migrants by using a human rights-based approach.

CELL Roundtable at APPAM Conference

On 14 July 2017, CELL convened a roundtable with academics and policymakers entitled, 'Working towards a global agreement to reduce divisive stereotyping in school textbooks,' at the Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM) International Conference in Brussels. This roundtable brought together experts in the fields of development economics, education, neuroscience, and law to examine and debate the need for a global agreement to reduce “divisive” stereotypes in school textbooks.