Can you spare 30 minutes? Update a Wiki page with more detail. Can you spare 45 minutes? Translate a Wiki page so that it reaches new audiences. Can you spare 1-2 hours? Author an entirely new article!
As the world’s largest online and user-generated encyclopaedia, Wikipedia is an education medium used by students across the word. However, as with textbooks and educational materials in any society, Wikipedia suffers from great divisions and has the potential to shape our view of the world. For every 4 articles about men, 1 article exists about a woman. The figures vary by region and language, but the picture is clear: the information about women is less extensive than the information about men.
On March 8, 2019, in alignment with International Women’s Day, the Conflict and Education Learning Laboratory (CELL) is organizing a day of action to close the gender gap on Wikipedia, as part of its larger mission to reduce divisive stereotypes in all forms of educational media.
The theme of the event is: Closing the gender gap: from exclusion to inclusion. Under this theme, participants shall take action by editing, creating, and translating pages on women who have:
- Dealt with issues of discrimination, prejudice and divisive stereotypes
- Had experiences with violence, conflict, and/or forced displacement
- Promoted inclusion and diversity.
12pm – 6pm on Friday, March 8, 2019 (International Women’s Day)
Drop in for 30 minutes or spend the whole day with us! It’s up to you!
Ground floor, The Student Hotel Maastricht, Sphinxcour 9A, 6211 XZ Maastricht
Join our day of action on March 8, 2019, on International Women’s Day, to create, edit and translate Wikipedia articles about women and to help transform a leading online educational medium into one that is more gender-neutral and creates of a more balanced view of the world.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided throughout the event.
Prizes will be given for the best page created for each category and the most pages edited.
1. Add your name to the participants list on our Wikipedia Event Page.
2. Create a Wikipedia account.
For more information about this event, visit: